Root Canal
Root Canal Treatment
A Root canal treatment also called as R.C.T is a dental procedure to remove infected dental pulp from
the tooth and its canals and after that tooth is disinfected and cleaned to remove all the infection
causing micro organism and other debris present in canals .Root canal treatment designed to
eliminate bacteria from the infected root canal ,prevention of reinfection and also to preserve
natural tooth.
What happens during root canal treatment? let’s learn in short what is done in this procedure, how it is made comfortable, quick to relive your dental pain, swelling, sensitivity and preserving your natural tooth .
NO need to be afraid of root canal treatment procedure when ever your dentist advise for it as now a
days with advance skills ,equipments r.c.t has become painless and single visit treatment .After RCT
tooth remains as natural as earlier , in R.C.T nerves and blood vessels present in tissue known as
dental pulp ,nerves and and blood vessels are required during growing phase of tooth once tooth
completely develops requirement of nerves and blood vessels remains to negligible hence tooth can
survive longer after removal of nerves and blood vessels .
Saving of natural tooth with RCT is necessary as it has many advantages
Efficient chewing
Less costly than bridge and implants
Preserves natural tooth
Protect natural teeth from excessive wear or strain.
A root canal (also known as an endodontic treatment ) is a serious procedure ,but one that specialists handle ever day .Before engaging in any type of dental work,its important o know the facts about root canals .
Is a root canal painful Procedure?
“NO NOT AT ALL PAINFUL” Since patient are given anaesthesia, root canal isn’t painful its just like other normal procedures like filling, scaling, bleaching etc. As it’s a micro surgery like procedure little soreness can be felt for few days which can be tackled by antibiotics and mild painkillers.
How do you know if you need a root canal?
Root canal are needed for a sensitivity to hot and cold food or drinks, fracture of tooth, deep cavity, pain in chewing or without any initiation, swelling on face due to tooth infection, accidental damage to tooth involving pulp or pus formation below the tooth root end.
There are few symptoms that mean you might need root canal –
. Sever pain after having hot or cold food or drink even sensation has been removed.
. Pimple like structure on gum.
. chipped or cracked tooth with or without pain.
. Swollen or tender gums .
. Deep decay or darkening of gums.
How long does It take to recover from a root canal treatment?
Although you will most likely be numb for 2-4 hours following the procedure, most patients are able to return to school or work directly following a root canal. How ever it is advised to avoid chewing from R.C.T treated tooth until it gets capped.
Cost of treatment depends on the condition of the tooth to be treated ,sittings needed, repair or core build up, post and core needed if more than 50% tooth crown is damaged ,placing of the tooth like front tooth or back tooth, dentist expertise ,experience ,types of equipment used all this factors all together becomes the cost determination factors.